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10 EFFECTIVE tips to wave away your DOUBLE CHIN

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 05-12-2013
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10 EFFECTIVE tips to wave away your DOUBLE CHIN 10 EFFECTIVE tips to wave away your DOUBLE CHIN
10 EFFECTIVE tips to wave away your DOUBLE CHIN , double chin,  health,  lose weight,  double chin,  10 effective tips to wave away your double chin,  10 effective tips,  tips,  10
Try Different Creams For Skin Tightening

It often happens that the double chin is caused by flabby skin rather than by excess fat, therefore you will have to opt for neck firming products that you can find at the local drug store -- generally, you can get them over the counter and most of them have 100% natural ingredients.

Mouth And Neck Exercises

Even if chewing gum will help, this alone will not do you much good -- this is why it is important to combine it with various neck and mouth exercises. Lifting your chin up to the sky and holding it like that for 10 seconds (and then repeating the exercise for 10 times) should do the trick. This will train your muscles and relax them, thus helping you burn fat and tone that particular area. On the other hand, you should also try to rotate your head one way and the other one in order to reduce the double chin -- simply stick to this exercise routine for a couple of times a day and you will slowly start to notice encouraging results.

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