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Why COFFEE is not so cool for Health

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 03-05-2014
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Why COFFEE is not so cool for Health
 Why COFFEE is not so cool for Health
Why COFFEE is not so cool for Health
 , why coffee is not so cool for health,  adverse effects of coffee,  coffee heath disadvantages,  health,  health tips,  why you should not drink coffee,  coffee is not good for health,  coffee leads so many health problems,  coffee addiction,  health problem
High Blood Pressure

Caffeine increases your blood pressure. The effect is temporary, but if you drink a lot of coffee, it can cause permanent high blood pressure. You can feel the effects of your blood pressure rising by experiencing ringing in your ears and headaches. If you're having these problems, you might want to think about switching to decaf.

Why COFFEE is not so cool for Health
 PreviousWhy COFFEE is not so cool for Health
Tags :
why coffee is not so cool for health, adverse effects of coffee, coffee heath disadvantages, health, health tips, why you should not drink coffee, coffee is not good for health, coffee leads so many health problems, coffee addiction, health problem

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