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Hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 11-03-2017
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Hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1
 Hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1
Hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1
 , hotels around the world where animals play host to guests,  part 1,  the perfect hosts hotels from around the world that employ dogs,  cats and even water buffalo as part of their welcome team,  astonishing hotels where animals play host to guests,  hotels,  travel,  destinations,  ifairer
Brock the Norfolk Terrior, from The Gallivant in Camber Sands
Brock the Norfolk Terrior belongs to Harry Cragoe, owner of The Gallivant, a hotel and restaurant opposite Camber sands.
Hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1
 PreviousHotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1
Tags :
hotels around the world where animals play host to guests, part 1, the perfect hosts hotels from around the world that employ dogs, cats and even water buffalo as part of their welcome team, astonishing hotels where animals play host to guests, hotels, travel, destinations, ifairer

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