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Classic Movies that put its cast in danger while filming

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 26-07-2018
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Classic Movies that put its cast in danger while filmingClassic Movies that put its cast in danger while filming
Classic Movies that put its cast in danger while filming, classic movies that put its cast in danger while filming,  apocalypse now,  titanic,  the wizard of oz,  mad max: fury road,  the hunger games,  the revenant,  hollywood,  ifairer
Mad Max: Fury Road...
Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron both suffered nearly fatal falls and various bumps and scrapes from the action. Stunt people had to put up with everything from burns from inside flaming cars to a few broken limbs.
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classic movies that put its cast in danger while filming, apocalypse now, titanic, the wizard of oz, mad max: fury road, the hunger games, the revenant, hollywood, ifairer

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