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2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 09-12-2013
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2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!
 2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!
2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!
 , chocolate brownie recipe,  upma recipe,  scrambled eggs recipe,  pan cake recipe,  quick recipes,  tea time recipe,  recipes
Chocolate Brownie

Time to cook: 2 mins.
Serves: 1


3 tbsp flour/maida
2 tbsp powdered sugar (or to taste)
2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 drops of vanilla essence
2 tbsp milk
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 chopped walnuts (can add more dry fruits of your choice)


Take a microwave ware (mug or a small bowl) & pour all the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, cocoa & walnuts) in it. Now mix in the remaining ingredients (vanilla essence, milk, oil & butter).

Word of Caution: It's important to mix dry & wet ingredients separately otherwise it will lead to lumps.

Microwave it for a minute or two (time may vary). Bring it out & serve it either with a scoop of ice cream or chocolate sauce & enjoy.

Tip: You can make a cavity using a tube (microwave friendly). Align it in the center of the mug carrying the batter. Pour some melted chocolate in the cavity to make a yummy choco lava brownie.

2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!
Previous2mins SUPER FAST recipes!!
Tags :
chocolate brownie recipe, upma recipe, scrambled eggs recipe, pan cake recipe, quick recipes, tea time recipe, recipes

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