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TOP ways to Stretch your weight AWAY!!

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 26-12-2013
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TOP ways to Stretch your weight AWAY!! TOP ways to Stretch your weight AWAY!!
TOP ways to Stretch your weight AWAY!! , stretching,  exercise regime,  fitness,  fitness and exercise,  health,  workout routine,  workout,  top ways to stretch your weight away,  top,  training regime

Repeat 20 times in total.Start by standing with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart.
Keeping your legs as straight as possible, fold at the waist and reach down -- placing your palms flat on the ground just inside of your toes.Walk your hands forward until you have lowered yourself into a straight push-up position.

Next, push your hips back and upwards until your arms are stretched above you, looking back between your knees. Legs straight, imagine you're trying to push your chest through towards your knees.
Bend your elbows next, and lower your forehead towards the ground. Just before it touches, slide your whole body forward an inch off the floor.
Once your hips have reached your hands, straighten elbows, driving shoulders up while keeping hips close to the floor, and arching your back.

Now reverse the movement -- bending the elbows first and lowering your chest back to the floor.
Slide your body backwards, staying close to the ground, hold, then drive your hips up and backwards again in order to keep your knees straight.

When you are looking back between your knees, push your chest through towards your knees.From here, walk your hands towards your feet until they are between your toes.Slowly roll back up to a standing position.

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Tags :
stretching, exercise regime, fitness, fitness and exercise, health, workout routine, workout, top ways to stretch your weight away, top, training regime

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