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The Difference Between True Love and Attachment

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 29-09-2023
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The Difference Between True Love and Attachment
The Difference Between True Love and Attachment , the difference between true love and attachment,  ways to differentiate between love and attachment,  the difference between being in love and just being attached,  is it love or attachment,  attachment vs. love,  love & romance,  relationship,  ifairer
Love is accept his or her flaws, attachment is blaming
Though you know that your partner isn't perfect, you accept him or her wholeheartedly if your love is true. If you are blaming him or her all the time reminding how much you are really struggling to accept the shortcomings of your partner then you may be just in an attachment phase that might never reach the stage of true love.

Love is ego-reducing, attachment is ego-boosting
When in love, you become less self-centered. Your relationship serves to reduce your ego, fosters your growth, and encourages you to become less selfish and more loving. Alternatively, relationships based on attachment are typically dominated by the ego. This is why many people repeatedly fall into a continuous stream of unsatisfying relationships, each of which involves the same, recurrent problems. You find it difficult to look within and resolve your issues.
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the difference between true love and attachment, ways to differentiate between love and attachment, the difference between being in love and just being attached, is it love or attachment, attachment vs. love, love & romance, relationship, ifairer

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