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Study: Healthy diet boosts women's emotional well-being

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-08-2019
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Study: Healthy diet boosts women
Study: Healthy diet boosts women's emotional well-being, study,  healthy diet boosts women emotional well-being,  healhty diet,  emotional well-being,  women health,  health tips,  ifairer
"These findings may explain the reason why women are twice more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression and suffer from longer episodes, compared to men. Today's diet is high in energy but poor in key nutrients that support brain anatomy and functionality," she added.

"Males and females had different physical and emotional responsibilities that may have necessitated different energy requirements and food preference," she said.

"Gender-based differential food and energy intake may explain the differential brain volumes and connectivity between females and males. Therefore, a potential mismatch is happening between our contemporary diet and the evolved human brain which is disturbing the normal functionality of certain systems in the brain," she added.

Source: www.asianage.com
Study: Healthy diet boosts womenPrevious
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study, healthy diet boosts women emotional well-being, healhty diet, emotional well-being, women health, health tips, ifairer

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