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Step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 09-07-2014
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Step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine
 Step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine
Step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine
 , step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine,  skin care,  how to take care of your skin,  you and your skin,  lets take care of your skin,  skin care,  steps to take care of your skin,  skin protection,  care of your skin,  ways to keep your skin young,  cleansing, lotions,  toners,  essences,  and the works, 
masks, eye cream, serums, spot treatments, moisturisers
Eye Cream

I like to apply my eye creams here, before my fingers get filled with face creams. After all, I wouldn't want moisturisers to be in the sensitive areas around my eyes. Rich creams can cause problems such as milia seeds, so make sure your hands are free from oily facial products when dabbing on your eye creams. Alternatively, you can apply this product as at the last step of your facial regime;just make sure your hands are clean.
Step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine
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Tags :
step-by-step guide to the best skincare routine, skin care, how to take care of your skin, you and your skin, lets take care of your skin, skin care, steps to take care of your skin, skin protection, care of your skin, ways to keep your skin young, cleansing,lotions, toners, essences, and the works, masks,eye cream,serums,spot treatments,moisturisers

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