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Smart ring that monitors temperature, could provide an early warning of Covid-19

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 15-12-2020
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Smart ring that monitors temperature, could provide an early warning of Covid-19
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To conduct the study, the scientists used Oura Ring - a wearable sensor made by the Finnish startup Oura - which pairs to a mobile app, and continuously measures sleep and wakefulness, heart and respiratory rates, and temperature. The researchers provided the rings to nearly 3,400 health care workers across the US, and enrolled more than 65,000 participants worldwide in the now concluded observational study.

A continuous record of the participants' biomonitoring data was available for analysis from the weeks before their infection, through the time of enrollment until the end of the study. According to the scientists, the ring records temperature all the time, so each measurement is contextualised by the history of that individual, making relative elevations easier to spot.

The researchers said the ring could also record changes related to other illness such as increased or reduced heart rate, and changes in respiration rate, but added that these changes were not as strongly correlated. Using data from the prospective study, the scientists are currently developing an algorithm to identify when a user is becoming sick. They plan to evaluate the algorithm in a new study of 4,000 additional participants.

"The hope is that people infected with COVID will be able to prepare and isolate sooner, call their doctor sooner, notify any folks they've been in contact with sooner, and not spread the virus," Mason said.

Source: economictimes.indiatimes.com

Smart ring that monitors temperature, could provide an early warning of Covid-19Previous
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smart ring that monitors temperature, could provide an early warning of covid-19, covid-19, coronavirus, coronavirus news, coronavirus update, ifairer

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