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Holding hands reduce pain in couples, study

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 04-07-2022
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Holding hands reduce pain in couples, study
Holding hands reduce pain in couples, study , holding hands reduce pain in couples,  study,  holding hands could be your new go-to painkiller,  holding hands,  painkiller,  couples,  ifairer
Goldstein and the team suggest that the sense of touch promotes a shared experience, that can extend to the sharing of pain. In other words, if you can feel your partners touch, it dulls your pain receptors as your body realizes that you are not alone. "Interpersonal touch may blur the borders between self and other," Goldstein wrote. "You may express empathy for a partner's pain, but without touch it may not be fully communicated," he said.

Source: www.menshealth.com
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holding hands reduce pain in couples, study, holding hands could be your new go-to painkiller, holding hands, painkiller, couples, ifairer

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