7 World's most popular tourist attractions
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 29-11-2019
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Based on data supplied by the attractions themselves and information from government agencies, industry reports, and reputable media outlets. Here are vthe list of seven most-visited attractions in the world.
Grand Bazaar, Istanbul Annual Visitors: 91,250,000 The 15th-century bazaar's vaulted walkways now house hand-painted ceramics, lanterns, intricately patterned carpets, copperware and gold Byzantine-style jewelry.
The Zocalo, Mexico City Annual Visitors: 85,000,000 Formally known as the Plaza de la Constitucion, the enormous Zocalo thrums with activity. It hosts military parades, cultural and political events, concerts, exhibitions, fairs, and public art installations.
Times Square, New York City Annual Visitors: 50,000,000 Flashing lights, Broadway shows, megastores, and the sheer spectacle are the draws for this attraction.
Central Park, New York City Annual Visitors: 40,000,000 This iconic park draws almost every visitor to New York. It stretches across nearly 850 acres of prime Manhattan real estate and is an oasis for both tourists and locals alike.