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7 Home Remedies to get fair and glowing skin

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 09-08-2015
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7 Home Remedies to get fair and glowing skin7 Home Remedies to get fair and glowing skin
7 Home Remedies to get fair and glowing skin, 7 home remedies to get fair and glowing skin,  home remedies for fair and glowing skin,  how to get fair and glowing skin,  skin care,  ifairer
Rub your skin with raw potato. It's believed to have mild lightening properties because it contains a high amount of vitamin C. Cut a potato into thick slices. Rub the slices over the parts of your skin you want to lighten. Let the moisture dry completely, then rinse it away with warm water.
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7 home remedies to get fair and glowing skin, home remedies for fair and glowing skin, how to get fair and glowing skin, skin care, ifairer

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