5 Ways to Make Him Jealous
By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 06-09-2019
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Does your boyfriend constantly flirt with other girls or totally ignore when he is hanging with his friends. Here are some tips to make your boyfriend jealous.
Get Flirty
Nothing is going to hurt his ego more than when you are flirting with another guy. And even if you are not his girlfriend yet, but you are in the process of getting there, it's bound to make his blood boil, and make him step up.
Look Amazing
If you want to make someone jealous, it is really as simple as that: look so good they regret the day the broke up with you, ignored your call, or just simply didn't give you the time of day. Then when they realize your mistake you'll be getting too much attention from everyone around you to even notice them.
Have a great life without him
If he cancels a date or makes any last minute plans, tell him you're busy and hang out with your own friends. And when he calls you while you're out with your own friends, don't hang up after saying goodbye.