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5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS - Take a dispassionate inventory

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 16-11-2013
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5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS -  Talk things over5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS -  Identify underlying tensions
5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS -  Take a dispassionate inventory, family conflict, family relationship
Care recipients need to speak their mind and give opinions regarding the type of care they believe they need and would like to see arranged. Caregivers need to work together to decide who can provide what. Is one sister great at organizing a schedule of caregivers and people to drive mom to her appointments? Maybe your brother is a physician and will be the best resource to go to for future medical issues.
Perhaps there is a sibling who lives far away and doesn't have much time, but who will volunteer to be the communications director and set up a system for keeping everyone in the family in the information loop. Take stock of other kinds of resources, too (namely time and money). If each family member can find some way to contribute to the effort that is within his or her skills, time constraints, and financial ability, then things will flow more smoothly.
5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS -  Identify underlying tensionsPrevious5 WAYS to avoid family CONFLICTS -  Talk things overNext
Tags :
family conflict,family relationship

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