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Fordable paper bike helmet for your pocket

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 17-11-2016
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Fordable paper bike helmet for your pocket
Fordable paper bike helmet for your pocket, fordable paper bike helmet for your pocket,  the paper bike helmet you pop in your pocket,  amazing helmet,  a paper bicycle helmet,  new technology,  automobiles,  ifairer
A paper bicycle helmet that folds to the tenth of the size of a regular helmet has won a prestigious engineering prize for a female inventor. Isis Shiffer, 29, an industrial design student, won the 30,000 pound Dyson design prize for her 'EcoHelmet'.

The helmet is intended to be cheap - priced around 5 pound- for bike rental schemes where people don't have protective headgear.
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fordable paper bike helmet for your pocket, the paper bike helmet you pop in your pocket, amazing helmet, a paper bicycle helmet, new technology, automobiles, ifairer

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