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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare yourself

By: Team Ifairer | Posted: 19-11-2013
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DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journeyDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare the room
DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare yourself, astrology, zodiac predictions
Close your eyes, and get comfortable. Lie on your back, with your hands at your sides, and bathe yourself with a protective light.

Imagine a white, enveloping light all around you. See it in your mind's eye, shining on your feet, your legs, your knees, your thighs, your torso and arms, your neck, your face, your head. This white light is protecting you from all negative influences. It represents love and warmth and enlightenment in a dazzling mistiness all around you, cocooning you in its brilliance, protecting you from anything bad.

DISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Prepare the roomPreviousDISCOVER your PAST LIFE with 7simple steps.. Begin your journeyNext
Tags :
astrology,zodiac predictions

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